The purple sky above / Chand Bindi

Dark purple sky turning darker by the minute... extinguishing the last few orange freckles left at the end of the horizon... a Palm Tree swinging in the breeze like a slow single dancer. Walking down the road she came. Moving with grace. To her favourite spot. And as she was stretching towards the sky... feeling it like a blanket of silk embracing her...the air was soft and warm... from somewhere she could hear one single bird chirping his melody... completely in tune with himself and the universe... craving for that same harmony she sat down on her Yoga Mat, breathed in deeply and started her chant... Wind whispered around her. Her voice soft and strong at the same time chanting the ageless millions before her did. Falling deeper into a state of relaxation and ease...ease with herself and the world around. Just to be able to stay like this throughout the day. At ease, connected but not entangled. After the last syllable left her lips she again gazed up a...