
Showing posts from January, 2024

Beyond pronouns

 In a world that's so much for equality and awareness of gender,sexuality and the diverse field of pronouns I often wonder about something totally different.All that yelling and shouting about getting pronouns right and then I look around and see completely different problems... Problems we all have,all go through,all need to know how to handle ... I feel like we are all not equipped how-to be empathic, how to understand someone else's problem and to navigate sickness,mental issues,death in all its different forms.. be it sudden or drawn out ... how to be when a loved one is dying bit by bit every day.. what to say to a woman who lost her baby before it was to be open and there for someone else without hurting so much. How not to be flippant, how to listen and actually understand what the other person is saying.Most of the time we are caught up in our own lives and dramas and yes...that's important as we live here,now,and in this society... Bu