Lost Moments

He was too fast... before she  could fix a pose and emote, he had already clicked pictures. Pictures that would end up in the virtual trash can later. Again she tried to explain to him that she needed time to get into a groove but to no avail...he believed in his style and was convinced it was the best.

It was irritating but her irritation couldn't show up in the photos...Smiling she tried to settle.. focusing more on the music in the background and her breathing.... 
Longingly she remembered last week's photoshoot. A beautiful studio full of art and fun props. The photographer was thoughtful and calm. Precise and a master in capturing those special moments.More of a painter than a photographer. He wouldn't touch the button on the camera unless all was in tune. From the setup to the music...From the slight tilt of her chin and a curl of hair just so on her forehead. That session had been magic.
Now this here felt like a race. Who was faster. Her or him ...glancing at the clock on the wall she exhaled...
Nearly at the end of the session.. that would be a relieve... but at the same time she was dreading the results.. 
The lost moments that fell through the cracks of the hectic shoot...the best moments,  that in a bid to shoot as many pictures as possible, were lost...
And it's a wrap, he announced with a big smile and very happy...
Yes, it's a wrap on lost moments,she thought. And was a little sad.


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