Moving on

Every step I took in Bharat you were by my side. Every holiday in Germany you were there with me. Now I am walking those roads alone with your memory by my side. The biggest ups and downs personally and in my career you were there. It is difficult to make people understand that we were not close but one. And it is time to move on... having to remind myself that I am not leaving you behind, that I didn't abandon you but that I am building upon what we had. What made me into me ...

Walking new roads...making new memories. Not alone but with someone by my side who loves me. Am blessed that we found each other without searching 

I need to go on to stay alive. Building a new life as my old one is completely gone except for a few very good friends that are like family. Abandoned by many, helped by cherished few ones. 

To new beginnings...

And new love ❤️ 


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